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Tag: Money

Short cuts

Short cuts

wait 1

“An inheritance gained hastily in the beginning will not be blessed in the end” (Proverbs 20:21).

What motivates people to gamble or to buy lottery tickets?  Some will tell you it’s the thrill of the game.  Others will say it’s just for fun.

The ones who are really honest will tell you the truth: It’s an opportunity to get a big return for a little investment.  Something for nothing.

Shortcuts to success hold tremendous appeal.

In fact, some folks spend more energy on doomed “get-rich-quick” schemes-

– than they would if they simply resigned themselves to working for a living!

They’re always looking for their big break, the opportunity of a lifetime.  As someone has said, though, “Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don’t recognize them!”

Are you obsessed with getting things for nothing? Do you find it hard to be patient until you can afford something? Do you have a tendency to use other people for your own gain? Can you persevere with hard work over a long period of time?

Here’s a fact of life:  Things bought without a cost are usually worth exactly what you pay for them.

Don’t waste your energy looking for shortcuts!

Trust God’s timing.  He’ll see that you get what you need when you’re ready for it.

What might be God’s purpose for making us wait a while for our ship to come in?

Read Up: Hebrews 11:8-16, James 5:7-8.