A Pledge for the Future

“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies” (Psalm 23:5).
Driven into the wilderness by his son Absalom’ s rebellion-
David and his followers became desperately hungry, thirsty, and weary!
God came to his aid, however, and directed to him three men who “brought beds (and) basins” (so that David could wash and refresh himself) as well as “pottery items… wheat, barley, flour, roasted grain, beans, lentils, honey, curds, sheep, and cheese.”
How David must have rubbed his eyes in astonishment-
– as he saw God provide for him a table “in the presence of (his) enemies.”
Can you cast your mind back at this moment to something “special” that God did for you to demonstrate His tender love and care?
I can!
Every Christian has these times!
– how sad that we forget them so soon.
God never does anything “special” in our lives just for the sake of the passing hour.
It is done also as a pledge for the future!
It is as though God is saying:
“I’ll do this for you now, not only to meet your need,
but also that you might always know you are the object of My love.”
If new dangers startle us with fear, we have forgotten the past mercies.
I believe that David’ s confidence in God was due to the fact that whenever he faced a new problem, he remembered vividly the past hour of deliverance!
May God forgive us for taking so much for granted-
– rather than taking it with gratitude!
“I remember the days of old; I meditate on all thy works; I muse on the work of thy hands”. Psalm 143:5.