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Passionate pursuit!

Passionate pursuit!


 “Zeal for Your house has eaten Me up” (John 2:17). 

Huguette Clark was a reclusive heiress who owned mansions in California and New York, though she never visited them.

She preferred her Fifth Avenue apartment.

She also rented a room in a local hospital, despite being in ideal health. 

She lived to be 104 years old.  

Her one and only interest was collecting dolls.

She spent millions of dollars on dolls, doll clothes, and dollhouses.  

Her biographer called it her passion and obsession.

Her love for her dolls dominated her life. 

Every person needs a passionate pursuit!

We need something we can pour our lives into, a cause to which we can give our lives. 

But it should be a-

– worthy passion and a worthwhile pursuit.  

It should touch on the eternal-

– on matters related to God’s house, not dollhouses.  

It was said of Jesus: “Passion for God’s house burns within me” (John 2:17). 

People are passionate about many things in life-

– politics, sports, health etc. 

But let’s be passionate about growing in our walk with God and advancing His work.

Ask Him today for His zeal. 

If we want to be thoroughly hot with zeal-

– we must go near to the furnace of the Saviour’s love.