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Tag: Fruit bearing

It is an unfortunate truth!

It is an unfortunate truth!

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“A prophet is not without honour except in his own country, among his own relatives, and in his own house” (Mark 6:3, 4). 

Have you ever noticed how difficult it can be-

– to spiritually impact your immediate circle of relationships and family?  

Jesus warned us of this phenomenon.  

We often relate to family and friends differently-

– because they have a history with us that no one else has.  

They most likely have not had the privilege to witness the spiritual transformation that you have experienced and is evidenced by others in your life. 

The spiritual authority that others may recognize in you is not there with your own family and friends.

“After all, you’re just my sister or brother, with whom I played, and lived everyday life,” is what is thought.  

Jesus was more qualified to be a carpenter-

– than the Son of God in his own family and community’s eyes. 

It was too difficult to change old perceptions of someone they knew so well.

So too, is it for your family members. 

The sad result of this mindset is that we often do not experience the same fruit of ministry in our family’s lives that we do outside this circle. 

It is an unfortunate truth! 

“Jesus still healed a few sick people,” meaning there is still a remnant of faith that can receive from you and me. 


God determines the fruit of our lives.  

Do not allow spiritual pride to prevent you from freely giving to your family and friends when they do not receive you in the way you think they should.  

You don’t know which “few” God will choose to touch through your life. 

Many did not receive Jesus.

Therefore, many will not receive you.  


– allow God to touch the few in your circle He chooses to touch through you.