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Someone who sees!

Someone who sees!

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“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him” (2 Chronicles 16:9).

What kind of people does God want to use?

We find the same pattern throughout Scripture:

The people God used were faithful in what He had placed before them.

The people that God used for big things were people who were faithful in the little things.

Perhaps you have considered dedicating your life to Christian service one day, maybe even in another country.

That is a good and noble aspiration.

But how about just serving the Lord where you are right now?

How about seizing the opportunities around you today?

When God used David to defeat Goliath, he was on an errand for his father, taking food to his brothers on the front lines.

But as he was faithful in a little way, God gave him more.

We know that when God called Gideon to lead Israel, he was threshing wheat.

When Elijah called Elisha into the Lord’s service, he was plowing a field.

When Jesus called Peter and John to become fishers of men, they were mending their nets.

Not one of them was sitting around thinking:

“I wonder if God will ever do anything in my life?”

They were busy with the work at hand.

While we’re looking for distant opportunities-

– we might miss the ones that are right in front of us.

Are you serving the Lord right now with what He has called you to do?

Be faithful in that.

Do it well.

Do it as unto the Lord.

It may seem like your efforts go unnoticed.

But there is someone who sees!

And He will one day reward you openly.