Terrible Tragedy

The Christian commitment is like a race.
There are fresh eager faces as the gun sounds to begin the race.
But along the grueling route-
– one person after another drops out before finishing.
What about you?
Are you willing to serve him wholeheartedly so that the Gospel may be taken around the whole world?
Are you willing to bring all of your energies to bear for the sake of Christ?
You have a variety of gifts and talents-
– that could change the world if put into the hands of Christ.
You may have youth, health, energy, education, political freedom and economic opportunities.
Along with those gifts-
– you possess the Lord Jesus Christ!
If you do not seriously face God’s call for you-
– I want to tell you that it is a terrible tragedy!
“Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!” 1 Corinthians 9:16.
Scripture says that time is short!
God has given us an open door!
And He has given us the tools and the technology to touch the whole world-
– if we mind God’s business!