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Tag: Fruit bearing

It is indeed!

It is indeed!

Saturday, 19 December 2015

“For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!” (1 Corinthians 9:16).

It is vital to share Christ with others!

Experience and expression are the alternate beats of the Christian heart.
And if these two things are not in operation-
– the Christian heart ceases to beat.

Then what happens?
We settle down to dead forms, dead attitudes, and dead prayers.

This matter of sharing, however, must not be limited only to evangelism.
It applies also to sharing with other Christians the things God has shared with us.

If God has shown you something today from His Word-
– then it is imperative that you share it with another Christian.

As we have been saying, nothing is really ours until we share it.

The expression will deepen the impression.
So in seeking to stay spiritually fresh-
– discipline yourself to share appropriate issues with your Christian and non-Christian friends.

Many do not do this.

They are disciplined in their quiet time or their study of the Scriptures.
But they have never disciplined themselves to share.

Someone has defined a Christian as one who says by word or deed:
“Let me commend my Saviour to you.”
There is no better definition.

I saw a cartoon in a newspaper which showed a woman putting a garment around the shivering body of a little girl.
Behind the woman stood Christ throwing a cloak around her shoulders.

The title of the cartoon was this:
“A proven assembly line.”

It is indeed!
Give out to others, and it will be given to you-
– pressed down and running over.

Especially running over!
