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Tag: Fruit bearing

Back to the basics

Back to the basics

Thursday, 7 January 2016

“For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God” (Romans 8:14).

The Bible says there is only one intermediary between God and man, and that is Jesus.

False prophets and teachers often function like intermediaries.

When God sent the prophet Nathan to David-
– it was for the purpose of bringing conviction in order to establish righteousness.

Bringing conviction is a primary ministry of the Holy Spirit.

The proper use of the gift of prophecy would reveal unrighteousness in order to establish people in Christ.
Once people are living righteously with the Lord, the Holy Spirit will lead them.

False gifts will not promote holiness-
– but often will specify wrong decisions concerning direction in life.

That function is the role of the Holy Spirit alone (Romans 8:14).

Some churches encourage their members, including the immature-
– to come into the fullness of the Spirit with manifestations,.

Why not the fullness of the truth?
It’s the fullness of the truth the Holy Spirit has promised to lead us into.

I’m deeply concerned for young converts in ministries that push for them to seek total manifestations of the Spirit.
Many have not had the time to understand the foundation laid by the apostles and prophets.

The church at Corinth had similar problems.

They were exhorted by Paul to get back to the basics of faith, hope and love-
– and govern very closely the use of tongues and prophecies in public worship,
– because God does everything decently and in order (1 Corinthians 14:40).

If a person or church is earnestly seeking the Lord-
God will work through the lines of authority He has established in His Word.
