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Young woman reading bible by stream in summer

“Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful; But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night. He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper” (Psalms 1:1-3).

One of my favorite passages in the Scriptures is Psalm 1.

Clearly this psalm holds an important key for our lives as believers to be fruitful and prosperous.

That key is meditation.

The psalmist describes the one who prospers as one who meditates “day and night”; a continual meditation developing the Godly habit of disciplining one’s mind in divine truth.

I love what Charles Spurgeon said about meditation:

“He is not the best student who reads the most books, but he who meditates the most upon them; he shall not learn most of divinity who hears the greatest number of sermons, but he who meditates the most devoutly upon what he does hear; nor shall he be so profound a scholar who takes down ponderous volumes one after the other, as he who, reading little by little, precept upon precept, and line upon line, digests what he learns, and assimilates each sentiment to his heart by meditation.”

Meditation on the word of God brings its truth and light-

– to bear powerfully upon your mind and soul.

Since you are made in the image of God-

– you are not a shallow creature, but a very profound one.

You have the opportunity-

– to be deeply affected and

– beautifully transformed by the living words of God.

Don’t miss out on it.

As you contemplate and reflect on His Word, allowing it to expose, redefine, and transform every area of your life, you will flourish like a tree planted by a river, and whatever you do will prosper!

Only remember:

It begins with meditation!