Scales Are Stripped

Many of you are faced with personal crises!
For some of you it may be in your family. For some of you it may be the divorce of your parents or a lingering illness of someone you love.
For others of you it may be a crisis in your personal life.
It could be that an important relationship has been severed.
Or perhaps a door has been closed on an opportunity that seemed to be the fulfillment of your dreams.
For some of you the crisis is spiritual. You are struggling with a decision that will determine the direction of your life.
Like Jacob, you are wrestling with God, and the outcome is still in doubt.
Now you are not sure what lies ahead.
Whatever your problem-
I want to encourage you by saying that-
– it can become your doorway to a new and deeper relationship with God.
It is often in the crises of life that-
– the disappointments and pain cause us to turn toward God.
In times of difficulty the scales are stripped from our eyes!
And we are motivated to focus our attention on Him!!
“Lord, You are faithful to us even in our times of doubt, difficulty and questions.
Thank You for Your unconditional love and patience toward us.
Help us to turn toward You when we are confused and struggling, so that we may grow closer to You.
Thank You for never leaving us or forsaking us.
We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen!”