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A Delight

A Delight

new_christians_341241708“This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words” (1 Corinthians 2:13).

“I just don’t understand the Bible.”

That’s a comment I hear quite often, even from believers.

It is no mystery why those without Christ are unable to comprehend biblical concepts.
But why do those who know Him struggle?

Some people think that a seminary education is the answer-
– but I have met several trained pastors and teachers who didn’t really understand the Word of God.

They knew few facts, but they had no excitement for the Scriptures or for the Lord.

The key is-
– not education,
– but obedience.

As we act on what we read-
– the Holy Book comes alive,
– and we begin to hear and understand the voice of God.

However, if we have not obeyed what He’s previously revealed to us-
– why would He give us His deeper truths?

“The secret of the LORD is for those who fear Him” (Psalm 25:14).

So who are “those who fear Him”?
They’re the ones who obey His commandments and are promised “a good understanding” (Ps 111:10).

Living a fleshly lifestyle amounts to disobedience before the Lord.

It will-
– cloud our eyes,
– diminish our ability to hear,
– and fog our thinking.

Although we, as believers, have full access to the mind of Christ-
– attachment to our own sinful ways can prevent us from tapping into the rich treasures of wisdom that are found in His Word.

As you read the Scriptures each day, look for God’s instructions.
Then with reliance upon the Holy Spirit, commit to do what He tells you.

When you obey His voice-
He will reveal deeper truths,
– and your understanding will grow.

Soon your time in the Word will become-

a delight instead of a duty.