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God is Thinking About You

God is Thinking About You

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How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! (Ps 139:17 ESV)

Consider the character of God’s thoughts in Psalm 139.

God’s thoughts are personal!

“….Your thoughts to me, O God!”

They concern you and me. He makes the individual and then plans for him. He knows all about us. God put your substance together and ordained your genetic structure (v 13,14). We must use what He has given us for His glory. And our obedience to His will reaches beyond this life, for our future is wrapped up in God’s plan for us (Jer 29:11).

God’s thoughts are precious!!

“How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God!”

Precious means “weighty, valuable.” His thoughts toward us are unique, tailor-made, and that makes them valuable. When we accept God’s plan for us and exercise believing faith, then He can work out His perfect will in our lives. Remember, His thoughts are deep (Ps 92:5); they are higher than ours (Isa 55:8).

God’s thoughts are plenteous!!!

How great is the “sum of them.”

The Hebrew word for sum is plural. Thus, His thoughts just keep growing. People who don’t want to do the will of God live their lives in a little bucket of water. But when we accept His will for our lives, we launch out on an ocean of possibility. God said to Abraham, “You walk before Me and do My will, and I am going to give you horizons like you’ve never seen before” (Gen 15:5).

God’s thoughts about you are more than mere “thoughts.”

They include His purposes and His care. As you meditate on His thoughts, renew your commitment to know and do His will for your life!

God is thinking about you!
