Can’t Be True

“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Psalm 23:6.
If you’re a follower of Jesus, if by faith you have turned from your sins and received His forgiveness, I have news for you.
God is after you.
He’s still pursuing you.
Wanting more of you.
Hungry to make sure you’re experiencing every blessing that His Son died and rose again to give you, for His glory.
It doesn’t matter how defeated or discouraged you are today.
He’s still after you.
All that matters is that you are His.
“My sheep hear my voice,” Jesus said, “and I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:27.
Is that you?
Following Him?
Not perfectly, of course, but following?
Sometimes stumbling, but still getting up?
And following?
And trying again?
And wanting to follow Him even better, even more?
Then God Himself is also following you.
He’s on your trail. He’s after you.
Promising you that your best days are still ahead of you, no matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done.
Your greatest days of usefulness and service to God are still in the future, because “goodness” (defined as bounty and blessing) and “mercy” (loving kindness and favour) will be on your heels and hunting you down every second of the time.
Can’t be true, you say . . .
Too many failures.
“I’ve failed God too many times. No way am I on His first team anymore. I’ve blown it. I have areas in my life where I’ve never gotten victory. Even today I failed again. I’m on the shelf from here on out, and I know it.”
Too many years.
“It’s too late for me. Too much water under the bridge. It’s fine for those who came to Christ as kids or in college or whatever. But I showed up late to the party. The best I can do is just sneak into a back corner of heaven.”
Too many others.
“I don’t have any big-time gifts. I don’t have any great abilities. Other people have training and know what they’re doing. Not me. I’m just not that important. It might even be wrong for me to get in their way.”
Too many obstacles.
“I’ve got so many things going on in my life right now—work, family, health stuff, all of it—I don’t really have time. And I don’t see it changing anytime soon.”
Believe me, I’ve heard all these lies and dodges before.
They’re as old as time, because the enemy will do anything to convince you that God has lost the scent and given up on you.
But just you try staying hidden behind these shadowy half-truths. Just you try imagining you’re out of sight, out of mind. Just you try giving in to the unreality that your home and heart are off His grid, out of His hunting zone.
Following you “all the days” of your life-
- not to rip into you,
- but to restore you and refresh you,
- to overwhelm all of life’s badness with His “goodness.”
“Lord God, I believe Your Word, even when I doubt myself. I believe what You have done to claim me as Your own, even when I too often resist You and choose my own way. Thank You for loving me enough to want me experiencing the full blessing of relationship with You. And thank You for relentlessly pursuing me until I’m actively living in it. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”