Access to God

The Lord “desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” 1 Tim. 2:4.
In other words-
God would like all of humanity to accept Christ as Saviour.
Today we will explore certain truths that the Father longs for His children to know.
It is the Holy Spirit’s job to convict us of our sinfulness and bring us to the knowledge that Jesus Christ died for our sin.
When we receive the Lord as our personal Saviour, we are reconciled to God and accorded full fellowship with Him.
This happens the moment salvation occurs.
Our sin debt is paid in full so we are free from guilt.
Also, we are sealed by the Holy Spirit for eternity and set apart for God’s service.
What is our identity in the Lord?
Believers are children of God.
The Bible calls us “joint heirs with Christ”—in other words, we share in the wealth of the Lord Jesus.
Also, we have been transformed from sinners into saints.
We may not always act saintly, but a true saint is someone who has been saved and set apart for the purposes of God.
Jesus Christ is always present to guide and provide for the believer.
Through Him, we have instantaneous
access to God the Father.
Our primary mission in life is to demonstrate Christ to the world.
Believers should live in such a way that others see the life of Jesus within us.
And because we understand the wonder of our salvation, our identity in Christ, and our position to the Father, we share about the Saviour with other people.
God wants everyone to know the truth.