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In a time such as this

In a time such as this

“There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28).

A missionary who served in Calcutta said that she was profoundly influenced because of a communion service she attended during the Second World War.

The leader of that meeting was a Swedish minister.

Among those present were a Chinese pastor, a Japanese teacher, a German doctor, several English citizens, and a small group of Indian believers.

The missionary recalled that as she looked at that diverse company she felt a closeness to each person, especially when they partook of the bread and the cup.

The bond of Christian fellowship was real-
– even though some of those people were from countries engaged in a brutal war.

Jesus Christ does remove the barriers of race and nationality.
And He takes away the hatred that so often arises from these differences.

We live in a world, and especially a country, where diversity is great.

More than the days of yesteryear, we see people of all nationalities, religions, and cultures coming to live together in one community and nation.

In a time such as this-
– we must seek to be a witness for Jesus Christ to those who have never heard His name.

While the need for evangelism abroad remains-
– we have a great opportunity to take Christ into our neighbourhoods, communities, cities, and states like never before.

People of all nations come here to live in freedom.
And many of them are in need of the spiritual freedom found only in Christ Jesus.

Ask God to empower you to be the kind of minister He wants you to be to those who have come from all over the world so that they may join the family of God.

Pray that you would have a great impact on the diverse generations of today.
