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Category: Witness

Simply introduce them to your Savior!

Simply introduce them to your Savior!

“You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His possession” (1 Peter 2:9).

In Old Testament times, priests did two things:

* First, they brought God to the people.
That is, they proclaimed God’s Word to others and helped people know what God was like.

* Second, the priests brought the people to God.
They helped those who were searching for God know how to find him and experience his forgiveness.

God has chosen you to be part of his royal priesthood.

God wants everyone to know him as you do-
– so he’s called you to act as an intermediary to help others find him.

Many people don’t know Jesus personally.
They’ve never spent time with him.
They’ve never read their Bible.
They don’t know what God is like.

But you have a relationship with him, so you can show them who God is.
You can help them learn that God loves them and offers them new life through Christ.

You don’t need a seminary degree to help others find God.
Simply introduce them to your Saviour!

Even if you don’t know your Bible thoroughly-
– you know enough to help them get started reading theirs.

You can tell them what Christ has done for you.
You can lead those who are hurting to the one who can heal their pain.

Take God to people.
And take people to God.

This is what the priests did.
And this is what God asks you to do.