Come to Christ

There are many nominal Christians.
You joined a church, you have been baptized.
Maybe in your church you were confirmed-
– but you really don’t know Christ.
You’ve never had a real experience with Him so that He dominates and controls your life.
You have not surrendered to the lordship of Christ.
If you are looking for purpose and meaning in life, give your life to Christ.
Get into the cause of Jesus Christ and march in His army under His banner.
We could use millions of people marching for Christ all over the world right now-
– taking love instead of hate to the world,
– telling people how to be saved,
– telling them how to find forgiveness and newness of life.
Jesus said, “I have finished the work which You have given Me to do.” John 17:4.
God has given you something to do, too.
Are you working on it?
Have you finished it?
You don’t have much time.
Your life is a vapor, it’s a handbreadth, it’s grass that grows and withers.
It may soon be over.
It may be over at any time.
Come to Christ!