Because He Did

Obviously, we don’t enjoy times of trial or conflict.
Despite the assurance we have that-
God will always be by our side through any and every circumstance-
– it is still natural to fear and bemoan such occurrences. Hebrews. 13:5.
In hardships, however, we often forget the very words Christ spoke in John 16:33.
We hear and certainly relate to the first part of His instruction:
“In the world you have tribulation.”
We’ve all faced enough problems to know that it is not possible to avoid them altogether.
In fact, Jesus takes it a step further by asserting that our faith in Him will actually lead to even more attacks and criticism. 15:18-20.
Truly it is impossible for a devoted Christian-
– to live trouble-free in a world that is hostile toward God.
What we tend to miss in Jesus’ statement, however, is the second half of the verse.
After delivering the “bad” news that we would have tribulation in our life, He offers a word of hope:
“But take courage! I have overcome the world.”
Notice that He didn’t say, “I will overcome,” but rather, “I have overcome.”
In Christ, the victory has already been won.
He has victory over all things.
Even the world’s greatest threat, death itself, has already been defeated by Jesus Christ.
Life certainly isn’t easy.
However, we have a loving God who not only understands our suffering but also chose to experience it Himself.
Because He did-
– we can now claim participation in the ultimate victory over every trial of life.