The Silence of the Sovereign

What do you do when you cry out to God and there is no answer? Or at least you can’t hear it? What do you do when heaven is silent?
This happened to David! He kept crying out to God, “Do not keep silent, O God of my praise!” (Psalm 109:1).
David was being attacked by the wicked-
-a frequent occurrence in his life. David wanted to see the wicked judged because they were attacking the people of God, the ones from whom God’s Word and His Son would come.
Why is God silent at times? It may be because
– We are not receptive! Or we don’t want to listen.
Evangelist Billy Sunday used to say that a sinner can’t find God for the same reason a criminal can’t find a policeman-
-he’s not looking. Sin makes us turn a deaf ear to God. When Adam and Eve heard the voice of God in the Garden of Eden, they ran and hid. Children often do that when they disobey. We are not ready! He wants to talk to us about something, but we aren’t ready.
Our attention is diverted towards things and thrills! We have to go through refining trials to make us ready to listen. We are rebellious! He is always ready to show us His will!
But He shows His will only to those who really want to do it. Jesus said in John 7:17:”If anyone wants to do His will, he shall know concerning the doctrine.”
Obedient people always hear the voice of God. We are to be reminded!
-Of the importance of silence, the importance of waiting on Him. Waiting helps remind us of God’s sovereignty!
The silence of the Sovereign is one of the difficult tests of faith.
What should you do when He is silent?
Remember His faithfulness and past blessings.
Rest assured on what He has already promised you.
Relax today and every day trusting Him and wait. You will hear the voice of God again!
“…He will quiet you with his love…’ (Zeph.3:17).