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Megaphone! Part 2

Megaphone! Part 2

05-nutricion-960x450(Continued from Yesterday)

teaches us!
It teaches eternal truths that we would not otherwise learn.

I avoid pain at all costs.
I avoid things that cause pain.

We want to get into shape, but we want a pain-free workout.
We don’t want to hurt.

No pain, no gain.
If you are looking for a pain-free life, then you are not going to grow spiritually.

Pain reminds us of a deeper need, which is a need for God.
And he will teach us lessons in the valleys that we never would have learned on the mountaintops, things we need to know and things we need to share with others.

Think about some of the greatest lessons you have learned in your life.
They have come through adversity, haven’t they?

And those are the things that you pass on and share with others.
You remember those times when God came through for you.

trains us!

It gives us compassion to counsel and comfort others who are in pain.

When you go through adversity, you have a new consideration of others.

It has been said that success builds walls, and failures build bridges.
If everything is always perfect and life is always firing on every cylinder, people don’t relate to that.

But they do relate to a person who is going through or who has been through pain.
The apostle Paul said, “(God) comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.” 2 Corinthians 1:4.

We need to continue in the faith.
Some may say, “Well, my faith has been tested, and I can’t handle this.”

But the faith that cannot be tested is the faith that cannot be trusted.
With all respect, the faith that cannot make it through adversity is not real faith.

Real faith gets stronger through hardship, not weaker.
It becomes more resilient.
It doesn’t fall apart.

Emotions come and go.
The Bible says, “The just shall live by faith.” Romans 1:17.
It doesn’t say the just shall live by feeling.

So press on.
And when you are facing adversity-
– don’t focus on emotions that fluctuate.

Remember that God is there with you.
And remember that he is in control.