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Category: Success

God-given goal

God-given goal

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Everyone desires success!

Simply wanting it, however, won’t guarantee achievement.
That’s why many people fail to reach their goal.
They encounter hardship and give up.

Let’s discuss one characteristic needed to accomplish what you set out to do.

Persistence is the combination of strong desire and willpower!
It is the capacity to stay on course in the face of difficulty and refuse to quit.

Paul exemplified this quality.
He was passionate about sharing the gospel with both Jews and Gentiles across the known world.

Acts 20:24 records his purpose, “…that I may finish my course and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God.”
Though he encountered tremendous obstacles like shipwreck, prison, physical punishment, and constant danger, the apostle never quit (2 Cor 11:23-28).

What motivated Paul to persevere amidst struggles?

The goal!
He had a clear God-given goal and trusted that the Lord would enable him to achieve it.

The good news!
The apostle felt indebted to share the life-changing truth of salvation.

The gloom!
He knew the devastation awaiting those who do not know Jesus.

Paul had his eyes fixed on his purpose-
– which he so valued that no circumstance could deter him.
Ultimately, he achieved what almighty God had ordained.

The Father has great goals for our lives.
Striving for anything less will neither fulfill us nor achieve what God has planned in our life.

Once His direction is clear-
– we should passionately pursue God’s purposes with the Holy Spirit’s strength and guidance—especially when obstacles arise.

Don’t give up!
