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Category: Success

Just Be Sure

Just Be Sure“Don’t envy evil men or desire to be with them, for their hearts plan violence, and their words stir up trouble.” Proverbs 24:1-2.

What do wicked people look like?

Do they dress in black?
Do they have shifty eyes?
Are they ugly or covered with warts?

What do they act like?

Do they prowl around at night?
Do they have a sinister laugh?
If only they were so easy to recognize!

The truth is-

– evil people are often attractive and pleasant…
– on the outside, at least.
But appearances can be deceiving.
No matter how they look or act outwardly, wicked people hide sin and violence in their hearts.
Their goal is to cause you harm.
Be careful that you never envy a wicked person.
You might find yourself admiring someone who appears successful by the world’s standards-
– but don’t be fooled by that.

Sometimes, success comes at the expense of truth and goodness.

The Bible teaches that, sooner or later, evil people will be exposed for who they are.

In the meantime, don’t let anyone who is motivated by sin set the direction for your life.

Ask God for the wisdom to discern-

– whether someone is living for God or living for his own desires.
If a friend or acquaintance tries to get you to go against what you know God wants for you, stay away from her!

You might conclude that this proverb doesn’t apply to you-

– because you don’t know anyone who’s wicked.
Hopefully, you’re right!

But ask God to open your eyes… just to be sure!