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Category: Success

Godly Counsel!

Godly Counsel!

expect 2

What causes some people to fail –

-and others to achieve their goals?

Perhaps, as some hypothesize, family background, education, and ability are the main ingredients.

But why, then, do we hear of victories from those with difficult backgrounds, disabilities, or little training?

Surely, something else determines whether we accomplish our objectives.

Contrary to society’s definition–which usually involves fame, fortune, or power-

– true success means becoming the people God wants us to be,

– and reaching the goals He has set for our lives.

Hebrews 12:1 offers His perspective on this:

” Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.”

Here, we see the keys to success!


Find encouragement from the lives of other believers who have seen Christ’s faithfulness and followed His direction.


Forsake anything that holds us back from obeying God.


Follow Him, even through difficult or discouraging times.

This passage answers our original question:

– relying on Jesus for guidance and strength is what enables us to succeed.

God has a wonderful plan for blessing and fulfillment in your life.

And part of His plan is that you live with purpose and perseverance.

The Father’s guidance will become clearer-

– as you read His Word,

– pray for direction, and

– seek godly counsel!

Do you know the goals the Lord has for you?