Our Overwhelming Obsession

Some Christians are just grateful for whatever the Lord gives them. Some believers have confused success with greed and discontent!
This happens because of –
Our overwhelming obsession!
– with the world’s definition of success!! For most people
– Success is equivalent to wealth and power. If you asked the average person on the street whether he’s successful, there’s a good chance he would talk about his career or investments. He may even make a passing reference to the five “C”s. Many people simply cannot view success outside of these terms. They think of only becoming “rich and famous!”
If the pursuit of success were sinful- how could God have made the promise of Joshua 1:7? “Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go.” The Lord was promising success! For Joshua
– Success was defined as the fulfillment of God’s promise to Moses! Joshua wasn’t concerned with money or fame; rather, he was intensely focused on fulfilling God’s plan for him. Armed with the power of the Word, Joshua boldly marched ahead and received the Lord’s blessings. And for that, God called him a “success.”
Do not be confused! The world’s traps have nothing to do with spiritual success! Your family, fellowship, faith, faithfulness…these are the things that matter in life;
– not your fame, finance, fake status or false dreams! When you place your emphasis on spiritual things
– You’ll discover the Godly way to measure success! Success in the Christian life or ministry- is neither achievement nor accomplishment nor advancement! But
– It is the fulfilment of God’s will in our life and ministry!