Difficult Days

“This is the day which the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24).
When you are having one of those difficult days… A day –
– when the storm is blowing,
– when your heart is broken,
– when the battle is raging,
– when the burdens are heavy,
– when your tears are flowing,
– when your faith is fading…
– That’s the time to heed this verse by faith!
The psalmist was going through battles and difficulties, yet he was able to say, “If God put this day together, I’m going to rejoice and be glad in it. Even though I may not see the blessing now, eventually by faith I’ll be able to say, ‘It all worked together for good.’ So I’ll say it now.”
Jews sing this psalm at Passover! Jesus also sang this song before He was crucified!! Can you imagine saying on your way to Calvary, “This is the day which the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it”?
That’s another way of saying, “Not my will, but Your will be done.”
If Jesus sang this song, we should sing it also. Perhaps your day is full of overwhelming burdens or sorrows. Jesus also suffered days like that.
Accept the day God has given you!
Acknowledge that He is in control!!
Anticipate what God is going to do for you today!!!
Rejoice and be glad in it! You may not understand His purposes now. But one day you will!