Divine Authority Given To You

And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise. (Gal 3:29)
You are an heir. The next time you are feeling low or insignificant, worried or frustrated, confused, confounded or just plain conned, stop and consider this: you are an heir.
“The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ.” (Rom 8:16-17)
“An heir to what?” you ask. That’s a fair question.
You an heir to every promise God makes in the Bible. You are an heir to the great power and promise of God, your Heavenly Father.
When Jesus says, “Fear not”, you have no reason to fear. Your faith in Christ puts God in your corner.
When the Lord says, “I will never abandon you”, you have no reason to feel abandoned or alone. He is with you always.
The psalms are filled with promises of strength, protection, deliverance, fulfillment and healing that David clung tightly to.
David, king of Israel, knew all too well that, despite his sins and failings, God loved him and kept watch over him.
You, too, can cling tightly – and confidently – to God.
When Paul wrote that he was content no matter what physical state he found himself in -whether full or hungry, in need or lacking nothing – he was fully aware of the promise that was his in Christ. “I can do all things in Christ Who strengthens me”, he boldly proclaimed. Philippians 4:11-13.
You, too, can do all things in Christ, who is your strength.
You see, as a child of God, you have great and mighty power available to you – to see you to the other side of every storm, to move the mountain that blocks your path, to implement the
changes needed in your life. When life feels too tough, remember His promises. Look in His Word and find what you need. God’s promises are for you, just as they were for Paul,
and David, and Abraham.
Do you know you have the power from God to live life to the fullest and to execute God’s will to usher His kingdom on earth?
You are not ordinary; You are extraordinary in Jesus Christ!