Parenting our parents!

“Honour your father and mother” (Ephesians 6:2).
This is God’s first commandment with a promise!
God doesn’t say to hounour good parents only.
Honour your parents who produced you!
Perhaps the toughest stage of life is parenting our parents!
It’s a role-reversal both parent and child would rather avoid.
The Bible clearly teaches us to honour our parents.
That means caring for them especially when they are old.
Let me suggest a few thoughts:
The greatest gift you can give your aging parents is time.
If physical distance is great, take time to call or write on a regular basis.
Be prayerful and sensitive when parents can no longer care for themselves or their home.
Be honest in helping them think about where they’ll live–be it a retirement center, a nursing home, or with you.
As you face these tough decisions, be motivated by love, not guilt.
Do what they most need, not what you most want.
Honouring our parents sometimes means parenting our parents!
We reap what we sow.
One day we hope that our children will have learned from us how to care for us when we are old.