Be Saturated With the Love of Christ

“Share with God’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality” (Romans 12:13).
Hospitality is the practice of welcoming, sheltering, providing for, and feeding those who come into your home!
– with no expectations for rewards or personal gain in return.
Hospitality is much more than exotic menus, elegant table settings and decorations, and fancy entertainment.
It is sharing what you have and who you are in Jesus with the people God brings your way.
For those in Bible times-
Hospitality was openly rewarded when extended fully.
And openly punished when there was a lack thereof.
In the New Testament, Jesus modeled hospitality perfectly.
He met both the physical and emotional needs of those who came to Him (Matthew 15:32- 39).
New Testament writers encouraged believers to practice hospitality toward other Christians saying:
“Offering hospitality to one another without grumbling” (1 Peter 4:9).
And elders and deacons within the church, in particular, were to extend hospitality (1 Timothy 3:2).
As believers, we are called to extend this gift to all who are in need.
You can open up your heart and life, and minister to others in simple ways:
– time, food (Psalm 104:27), money (Matthew 25:34-40), energy, creativity, and love (1 John 4:11).
If you extend your hospitality, open your home, and share your heart with a child of God or with a man of God.
Your efforts will not go unnoticed (Hebrews 6:10).
Allow your warm welcome to be saturated with the love of Christ-
– so you can easily share Him with those who enter your presence.
Ask God to show you ways you can practice hospitality toward those who are in need.