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Category: God’s Work in Us

God’s Goals

God’s Goals

pray1There is no circumstance in our lives about which the Lord will not speak to us.

And we can be sure that when He does-
His words are always purposeful and powerful. 

Read 1 Corinthians 2:9-14.

Consider some of God’s goals for His children:

God wants us-

– to comprehend the truth of what He is saying. 

As Christians, we can be confident that this will happen-
– because the Holy Spirit is present within us, 
– and John 16:13 promises that He will guide us into all truth. 

It may take time and effort on our part-
– but the Lord’s intention is for us to clearly understand what He’s communicating.

Our heavenly Father also has a goal-

– to conform us to the image of Christ. 

As we read the Scriptures-
His Spirit may point out Jesus’ compassion toward the Samaritan woman as our example for living. 
Or He may warn us, through Jesus’ rebuke of Peter, not to rely on human understanding. 

Our part is to respond to His words by aligning our lives with the truth, and not to resist.

In addition-

God reveals truths about life in Christ so we will be able-

– to communicate those same principles to others. 

Jesus spoke only what His Father had taught Him. John8:28
Likewise, we need to be listening carefully every time God speaks so we, too, will know what to say.

God has something to say: 
– to the obedient and the disobedient; 
– to the powerful and the weak; 
– to the self-assured and the insecure; 
– to the lost and the saved. 

Don’t miss what He has to tell you. 

Let whatever happens in the course of the day draw you to Him-
– and practice giving Him your full attention.
