Lay it out before the Lord!

If we want to hear His voice clearly through His Word-
– we must first address those things that affect how well we listen:
Our association with God.
The Father speaks differently to the unsaved than He does to Christians.
And while neither God nor the fundamentals of faith ever change-
He does tailor His message to individual believers on the basis of their spiritual maturity and unique situations.
So two people may hear dissimilar things-
– because they are at different points on the journey.
Our awareness of God.
How we view the Lord changes the way we hear Him.
For example, if you see God as a loving Father-
– you will hear His encouraging voice and accept His loving discipline.
But if you see Him as a harsh, demanding Father, then you may feel as though you can never live up to His expectations.
Our attitude toward God.
If we come to the Lord with a proud, rebellious nature-
– we will naturally not be inclined to hear His voice of authority.
However, if we come with a submissive nature, we will most likely hear, and joyfully receive His Word.
God is still speaking in the world today.
Stop and think about what there is in your own life that could get in the way of His message.
What affects your ability or willingness to listen?
Lay it out before the Lord!
And ask Him to break through the barriers.