Making Your Choice!

Do you ever feel as though you are missing out on God’s rich blessings?
Certainly hardship is a part of life, and we can’t have everything we ask to receive.
But if we act foolishly, we might also miss out on some of the good things the Lord has in mind to give us.
That is exactly what happened with Esau. Genesis 25:27-34.
He was famished when he returned from a hunting trip.
His brother Jacob offered a bowl of soup in exchange for Esau’s birthright.
And the trade was accepted.
Doesn’t it seem foolish that this older brother would make such a swap?
Yet if we’re not careful—that is, if we are spiritually shortsighted—we, too, can give up what is excellent for temporary satisfaction.
A person acting in this way exhibits certain characteristics.
For one thing-
– he makes decisions based on today, without considering tomorrow’s consequences.
– he is blind to life’s essential values and gives higher priority to his appetites and emotions than to the Lord.
In addition-
– he’s willing to sacrifice what is lasting for something that brings only fleeting satisfaction.
– his focus is on the temporal rather than the eternal.
– he makes decisions in moments of physical, emotional, or spiritual weakness.
At the time, it may seem desirable to base a decision upon an immediate want.
But are you willing to pay the price for that kind of shortsightedness?
It will never satisfy your heart.
Instead, rely on God’s Word for truth, and let His Spirit guide you in making your choice!