Make up your mind!

“Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in this matter” (1 Peter 4:16).
Perhaps the greatest secret of the saints of old was-
– their ability to praise God amid the afflictions of life.
Saint Francis de Sales-
– once wrote to a friend who was undergoing stresses at home, saying:
“The many troubles in your household will tend to your edification, if you strive to bear them all in gentleness, patience, and kindness. Keep this ever before you, and remember constantly that God’s loving eyes are upon you amid all these little worries and vexations, watching whether you take them as He would desire. Offer up all such occasions to Him; and if sometimes you are put out and give way to impatience, do not be discouraged, but make haste to regain your lost composure.”
Do you have an area of frustration, fear, fretting, or a failure?
Don’t be ashamed about it, but glorify God in the midst of it.
And let Him use it for the edification of your soul.
You had better make up your mind to accept what you cannot alter.
You can live a beautiful life in the midst of your present circumstances.