For to me to live is Christ

“For to me, to live is Christ” (Philippians 1:21).
In 1935, Dr. Bill Wallace sailed for China as a medical missionary.
These were dangerous and difficult days for Christians in China.
When the Communists overran the country, most missionaries were forced to flee.
Dr. Wallace, however, clung to his post.
As a result, he was arrested by the Chinese Communists, beaten, and martyred in prison.
He was thrown in an unmarked grave to cover up the news.
But faithful Christians found his body and buried it properly, placing a marker over it that simply read:
That was Wallace’s motto.
Are those words true for you?
If you could write your own personal motto or epithet-
– could you rightfully choose this verse?
When we say, “To me to live is Christ,” we’re saying that Christ is the most important figure and factor in our lives.
We’re also saying that our greatest desire is to reflect His image to others.
Adopt this as your personal slogan:
For to Me to Live Is Christ.
To desire only what Christ gives and not to desire Christ himself is to be bought off by little trinkets, never to own the great treasure of His indwelling presence.