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“Let every man abide in the same calling wherein he was called.” 1 Corinthians 7:20.

In Webster’s Dictionary, you will find there are fifty-nine definitions of the word, “calling!”


What is the Biblical definition of calling?
A “calling” is a summons by God.

Those of you that were drafted into the military know what it’s like to get a letter saying you’ve been drafted into the military.

That is a summons by the government for you to serve in the military.

God gives a summons!
It’s a summons to follow Him.
It’s a summons to trust Him.

As a matter of fact, in all callings-
– there is a calling to serve,
– a calling of sanctity,
– a calling of sacrifice.

That’s why military service often is referred to as a calling,
– because the same kind of things are involved-
sacrifice, sanctity, service,
– when you are receiving a calling of God.

But that’s not all.

There’s also a calling-
– to leave the familiar and
– venture into the unknown.

And that causes us to feel inadequate and insecure at times about the calling.

But this is good-
– for it forces us to depend on God.

When Jesus Christ calls-
– it is most of all a call to follow Him.

Then, as we follow Him-
He calls us to specific places of service.

Have you accepted His call?

​I have!