What Matters Most

A great business legend, now retired, agreed to share a dialogue with the students of a prestigious Ivy League business school.
So all ears were trained when the professor asked the man what the most important life lesson was that he had learned.
The business tycoon said, “The most important lesson I have learned in life is that what I think doesn’t matter.”
The class was completely surprised by his answer.
The businessman replied, “That may be so, but when I gave my heart to the Lord, I made Jesus the most important thing in my life. If I had never made one dollar, that would have been okay with me. That was not my goal. The money has never been my goal. My goal was, and still is, to put Jesus first. Do you think I made a mistake?”
The dialogue continued down a much different path than the students had expected.
Ask the Lord to show you what matters most to Him and then do whatever He says.