Christmas Does Not Stop At the Manger

Christmas is not about the birth of the baby.
It is about what that baby grew up to become-
– how He decided to live His life and the choices and the sacrifices He made in the end.
Christmas points to the redemption, the redeeming power of that man.
Yes, the Christmas history is about God’s love and grace and the humility and servanthood of the little baby that was born.
But that baby grew up to be a man, and He came to redeem for our Heavenly Father what is rightfully His in the first place -us.
Jesus came to pay the greatest price for our redemption-
His life, by dying for our sins on the cross.
The history of Christmas doesn’t stop at the manger!
It continues through His perfect, sinless life, His death on the cross, and His resurrection from the dead.
The history of Christmas is that the Father desires for every single one of us to be redeemed.
Our part is to accept His gift of redemption in faith.
That’s how we can truly celebrate the history of Christmas!