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Category: Christlikeness

Something is wrong!

Something is wrong!

Sunday, 6 December 2015

“Those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God” (Galatians 5:19).

Occasionally it’s a good idea to take inventory of your lifestyle.
A sinful lifestyle reflects a heart that’s not right with God.

The Bible doesn’t say Christians never sin.

It does say, however, that-
– those who persist in sinful activity without caring about how it grieves and offends God are proving by their behaviour that they don’t belong to his kingdom, regardless of what they claim.

Some people think they are Christians because they prayed a sinner’s prayer once, maybe at camp or in a church service.
Yet their lives bear no evidence that they know Christ.

It may have seemed like a good idea to have Jesus as Saviour.
But they had no plans to make him their Lord.

The proof of salvation is a changed life.
If the only proof you can offer is something you said or did a long time ago, that’s pretty weak evidence.

The proof of your Christianity ought to be seen in you continually-
– as you reflect Christ through your lifestyle each day.

If you examine your life and still see consistent disobedience to God-
– something is wrong!

Make sure you’re under no delusions-
– that you’re not depending on any false assurance of your salvation.

Settle things with God today!
