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Category: Christlikeness

Caught Up In Your Status?

Caught Up In Your Status?

washBe imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children.” Ephesians 5:1.

People should think less about what they ought to do-
– and more about what they ought to be.

If only their being were good, their works would shine forth brightly.

The ground upon which good character rests is the very same ground-
– from which man’s work derives its value, namely, a mind wholly turned to God.

Are you more caught up in your status?
or in your stature?

Do you want people to see all your acts of service and commend you?
or do you consider God knowing what you do to be enough?

Are you more focused on success than on sacrifice?

When we each meet God face to face one day-
– all the success and accolades, and even good deeds, will mean little.

It will be our relationship with Christ and our measure of character that will count.

Which are you more concerned with today?

What you do?
Or who you are becoming?