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Perfect Parent

Perfect Parent


“The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God” (Romans 8:16).

Your personality is partly the result of the way you were parented.

Other factors are also involved, of course.
But parents have a bigger influence on their children than some like to admit.

Children from abusive homes, for example, usually suffer from severe insecurity.

They may struggle with anger in much the same way their parents do, repeating the cycle when they have children of their own.

On the other hand-
– parents who are kind and loving tend to pass on these traits to their children.

When you become a Christian-
– you are adopted by a Perfect Parent,
– a heavenly Father who loves you unconditionally.

You have nothing to fear from Him-
– because He watches over you with constant love and protection.

He is more powerful than any problem you will ever face.
You will not live in want, because your Father’s resources are unlimited.

As God’s child, then, your life ought to reflect His character.

The more time you spend with your Father-
– the more you’ll become like Him:
– loving, patient, giving, and fair.

As you grow in your faith-
His influence will come to have even more of an impact on you than your earthly parents do.

So don’t use imperfect parents as an excuse for not living up to God’s standards.

You do have a Perfect Parent-
– who will teach you how to be loving, forgiving, patient, and everything else…just like He is.

How much time have you been spending with your Father lately?
