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Living Expression

Living Expression

CalvaryOver time believers should become increasingly like Christ.
Look at Luke 19:1-10.

We’re never more like Him than when we are selflessly reaching out to meet somebody else’s needs.

As servants-
– we need to incorporate the following into our lives:

Jesus stopped under the sycamore tree because He was aware that Zaccheus was up there.
How many needy people are “hiding in trees” while you walk by them without looking up?


On spotting the tax collector, Jesus didn’t make an appointment to go see him a few weeks later.
Being available was such a priority that He dropped whatever agenda He may have had and went right to Zaccheus’s house.

Jesus did not wait until Zaccheus got cleaned up and straightened out his life.
The Lord accepted him just as he was. We must never forget how Jesus embraced us, filthy rags and all.

When we are saved, we become grafted into the vine of Jesus Christ.
Abiding in Him is the only way to find the resources to serve other people in the way that they need to be served.

God calls us to abandon our selfish desires.
Only in leaving behind self-seeking ways will we be free to truly serve others.

Jesus came, not as a superstar to be served-
– but as a servant who would give His life as a ransom for many. Matthew. 20:28.

He tells us to go and do likewise.

When we’ve received Him as Saviour and then yield to Him as Lord-
– our lives become a living expression of the One who came to be a servant to all.