

Two people can look at the same thing, at the same time, and see things differently.

An old table in a dumpster looks like trash to one, a treasure to another.

One set of fans at a championship game will see triumph, the others tragedy.

On the Mount of Olives that first Palm Sunday-

– two saw the same scene differently.

The disciples saw the triumph of the moment, while Jesus saw the tragedy.

“As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it.” Luke 19:41.

Jesus saw tragedy that day, not triumph.

The tragedy had three parts.

First, the people wanted peace but did not know what would bring peace to them.

True peace is found only in Jesus.

Second, they did not realize the destruction they faced.

A few years later Rome captured Jerusalem, killing more than 600,000 people and destroying the temple.

Jesus also knew that all face judgment unless they receive the forgiveness He can give.

Third, He wept because they did not “recognize the time of God’s coming.” v.44.

God became a man and lived among us–Immanuel!

Yet many did not recognize that and instead rejected Him.

A few days after Palm Sunday the cries of “Hosanna!” became “Crucify him!”

Jesus wept because the people did not know peace, realize they faced destruction or recognize that He was God.

Do you have peace?

It is found in Jesus.

He saves us from sin’s power and penalty.

Recognize who Jesus is and receive Him as your Saviour today.


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