Pruning is painful!

Pruning is painful!

“…every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it, that it may bear more fruit.” – John 15:2.

Do you enjoy seeing things grow?

If so-

– you understand the principle that a plant must be pruned in order to produce at its peak.

Dead wood and unhealthy parts must be cut away.

Pruning is a reality in the garden.

But it’s also a very real part of human life.

Because God loves us-

He chooses to prune our lives.

This may come through the loss of a job or a loved one, or a move away from something that’s comfortable for us.

It may happen in many ways when we face adversity.

What is accomplished by pruning?

For the plant-

– it’s a healthier and more vigorous growth with more fruit.

For us-

– it’s the ability to rely more completely on God, our source of life, and the ability to live a more spiritually secure and disciplined life.

Pruning is painful!

It allows us, though, to live a more fruitful life.

With God, pruning always gives us hope.

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