The Sword of the Spirit!

The Sword of the Spirit!

There are two mistakes people make about the devil.

They get into demonology!
Always studying, wondering, and talking about demons!
-causing fear in the hearts of believers
Their focus gets on Satan rather than on the Lord Jesus!!

The Bible says we’re to resist the devil.
It doesn’t say we’re to chase after him.

On the other hand-
There are those who are flippant about the devil.

They have nicknames for him and think he’s unrealistic.
The truth is that we have a powerful adversary who is the devil.

Peter likens him unto a roaring lion!
A believer recognizes that he has an enemy.
He is ready to resist that enemy.
Then he clings to the power of the Lord Jesus Christ to overcome this great adversary.

Is the lion prowling around your life?
Take up the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God.
And break free from his jaws of destruction.

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