
“But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.”Isaiah 64:6.
An artist went searching the streets for a model to pose for a portrait he wanted to call — ‘The Prodigal’.
One day he saw an impoverished beggar lying on a bench and thought:
‘He’s perfect! That man would represent the prodigal son beautifully in my painting.’
He asked the beggar if he would be willing to sit for his painting and he would gladly pay him for his time.
Naturally, the beggar agreed.
On the day and time appointed, a man knocked on the door of the artist’s small studio.
Excitedly, he answered his door only to find a clean-shaven young man dressed in a suit and tie standing before him.
Disappointed, he said, “You must have the wrong door sir, the law office is down the hall”.
“But you made an appointment with me,” the man replied.
“No,” said the artist, “I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you before. I made an appointment to meet with a beggar here at this hour.”
“Well,” said the man, “I am the beggar.”
“You?” said the artist, “You’re the beggar?”
“Yes, he replied,”After you left me last week, I found some money and thought I would get a new suit of clothes before you painted me.”
“Oh,” replied the artist, “Well, you’re just not right for the job.”
The beggar wanted to show himself a masterpiece before the artist.
But the artist wasn’t looking for that.
He wanted to create the masterpiece himself!
Likewise, when we come to God, we must not come in our own garments of self-righteousness.
We must come before him transparent, with no inhibitions, or worries, or pride.
God has already seen our weaknesses and faults.
We’re not hiding anything from Him anyway.
The Master Artist has an appointment with us today.
Let’s not come disguised as someone else.
Let’s come as we are so that He can make a priceless masterpiece!