Our Master Is …

”No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth.” Matthew 6:24.
There are a lot of big choices in life.
One choice that many have faced or will face is whether or not to go to college- and if you do, where should you go?
Because where you go to college is certainly going to set a course for the future of your life.
Another big decision is marriage if you’re going to get married, whom are you going to marry?
Because whomever you marry is going to greatly influence the rest of your life.
And then there is your career – where do you choose to focus your interests, your talents, and your abilities?
These and so many more are choices you will be facing in your lifetime.
But Jesus tells us is that our biggest choice is between God and money.
That may shock you because you may think are bigger choices to make than money.
Yet, Jesus knows that, for most of us, the major struggle when it comes to having Christ as Lord, is where to put our trust in choosing between God and money.
This is what Jesus means when He says,”No one can serve two masters.”
Now, when Jesus made that statement, He was also telling us that we all have a master.
I realize that many people find that statement appalling and might respond, “I have no ‘person’ or ‘thing’ as my master. I am the captain of my soul!”
Well, I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but Jesus tells us that we all have a master.
So, who or what is our master?
Our master is what dominates our thoughts.
Our master is whatever takes priority in our lives.
Our master is where we put our trust.
Our master is where we look for our ultimate security.
Now, sometimes our master can be something that is considered good, like our families, our spouses, our children, or our jobs.
It can even be church, or community service.
The fact is if any one of these things becomes the priority of our lives-
– it is not only our master,
– it is idolatry and breaks the first and second commandments of putting something before the Lord Himself.
So, what is it for you?
Where do you put your trust?
Where do you look for security?
Money will disappoint and leave us empty.
God will give us meaning and fulfillment.