Spiritual Staff

We should fortify ourselves with the Word of God.
Begin reading, studying and memorizing Scripture as never before.
The Bible says:
“Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth.” Ephesians 6:14.
The truth is the Word of God. We are to be girded and undergirded with the Word.
Read it, assimilate it, feed on it; let it be your staff and strength.
It is quick and powerful.
It is the bulwark of the soul.
Too many Christians today are entangled with the affairs of this world-
– caught in a net of material interest and diversion.
Scripture, to many, is little more than a reference book for Biblical facts.
It is seldom opened and rarely relished as the spiritual staff of life that it is.
Store these Scriptures away so that if your Bible is ever taken from you-
– you will have the Word of God written on the tablet of your heart.