Reason to Remain

The disciple of Jesus Christ-
– the man or woman who has repented of their sins and trusted Christ as their Saviour for the forgiveness of sin,
– has every
reason to remain hopeful and steadfast in the face of evil.
Christ has conquered sin.
Christ has defeated death.
Christ has overcome the evil one, the devil, through His sinless life, sacrificial death, and triumphant resurrection.
We overcome the harsh suffering and evil of this world by placing our faith in the sovereign, loving and wise hands of our heavenly Father.
That is truly the one safe place to be, with our sins forgiven, our hearts transformed and our sure and steadfast hope that one day we will rest securely forever in the presence of Almighty God.
“Dear Jesus, thank You for the transforming work You have performed in our lives and for the promise of eternal rest in You.
We know that You have overcome evil in this world and that we have safety and peace in you, forever.
In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”