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Month: January 2023

God Demands

God Demands

We are all interested in truth, and Christ is the truth.

When you give yourself to Him-
He opens the doors of your mind in the most glorious way.

You see a new dimension of life that you have been previously blind to.

When you open yourself to Christ—to truth—your life lights up.
Your whole inner life glows, and there comes a peace and joy and security that only He can give.


​​God demands a decision, a commitment, a surrender, a conversion.

When you come to Christ, He gives you a freedom that is real:
“Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” John 8:36.

“Dear Lord, thank You for paying the ultimate price on the cross for my freedom. It’s my heart’s desire to walk in the liberty You have paid for so dearly. I surrender all to You and I ask You to bring about the fullness of life that You desire for me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
