Do You Love God?

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the greatest commandment.” Matthew 22: 36-38.
We are far too easily wrapped up in OUR-selves, OUR-lives, and OUR plans– yet God loves us anyway.
He loves us no matter where we are or what we’ve done.
God loves us– when we have no interest in Him, – when we’re running from Him, – and even when we’re drowning in our sins.
He loves us so much that He sent His son to pay the penalty for OUR sins. What an amazing love!
Christ was the substitutionary sacrifice for our sins.
In non-church speak that means that Jesus is the bridge. Jesus bridges the gap between sinful man and a Holy God.
To do this cost Jesus His life on the cross as He took on all our sin and shame. This is the magnitude of God’s love for you and for me.
And when we begin to understand this incredible love– we will want to love God back.
So how do we love God? It starts by first encountering God’s love for us.
Do you know God’s amazing, sacrificial and overwhelming love for you? Don’t wait any longer, because nothing is more important than loving God.
It’s the heart of Christianity. 1 John 4:19 says, “We love, because He first loved us.”
Then we want to spend time with God in worship and prayer and Bible study. Then we want to obey God’s commands to show Him we trust Him.
I hope that you will decide to love God today. And when you do that, you will want to love others.