He Became Sin For Us

There is a day of judgment coming when every man and woman and boy and girl will have to stand before a righteous God to give an account for one thing—what did you do with Jesus Christ?
The Bible says the wages of sin is death Romans 6:23.
I believe the Bible, that death is coming upon every person in the world who is without God.
God loves us in spite of our sins-
– in spite of the dreadful wickedness of our heart.
God says, “I love you,” and the Bible teaches that God is a God of mercy, that He’s a God of love, that He’s a God of forgiveness.
He sent His Son to the cross.
And the Bible teaches that God took all of your sins and all of my sins and laid them on Christ.
He became sin for us and His blood was shed.
That blood was symbolic of His broken heart and His life that was given for you.
I want you to receive Him by an act of faith.
I want you to trust Him.
I want you to believe in Him.
I want you to make Him your own.
Make Him your Lord, your Master.
Receive Him as your own.
This is the Good News.